Thursday, May 29, 2008


MisterMartyRose (10:37:46 PM): yo
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:37:53 PM): yyo
MisterMartyRose (10:38:02 PM): sup my nigga
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:39:26 PM): not too much
MisterMartyRose (10:39:47 PM): u bored
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:39:52 PM): yeah
MisterMartyRose (10:39:56 PM): I can help
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:41:03 PM): what?
MisterMartyRose (10:41:30 PM): I have an english debate tomorrow
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:41:39 PM): im going to sleep soon
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:41:45 PM): work tommorow
MisterMartyRose (10:42:09 PM): ok well if u want I need 2 minutes of shit for this homeschooling debate
MisterMartyRose (10:42:12 PM): for $$
TwilightZ0neK9s (10:42:26 PM): im trying to jerk off atm
MisterMartyRose (10:42:50 PM): .............