Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Drugs are bad mmkay"

twilightz0nek9s (5:45:25 PM): yo
mistermartyrose (5:45:43 PM): yo
twilightz0nek9s (5:46:29 PM): you ever take adderal?
mistermartyrose (5:46:30 PM): once
twilightz0nek9s (5:46:48 PM): did u play poker?
twilightz0nek9s (5:46:54 PM): at all
twilightz0nek9s (5:46:58 PM): while u were high from it
mistermartyrose (5:47:03 PM): no
twilightz0nek9s (5:47:22 PM): ive done it a few times
twilightz0nek9s (5:47:26 PM): and done terrible
twilightz0nek9s (5:47:35 PM): but some people think it helps them concentrate
twilightz0nek9s (5:47:49 PM): like i did that the other day
twilightz0nek9s (5:47:59 PM): and played a 20 hour session or something
mistermartyrose (5:48:04 PM): wow
twilightz0nek9s (5:48:15 PM): and lost like 340 dollars at 11 dollar sngs
twilightz0nek9s (5:48:23 PM): i think ive never had a winning session on it
mistermartyrose (5:48:24 PM): loooooool
twilightz0nek9s (5:48:29 PM): i think it makes me play awful
twilightz0nek9s (5:48:30 PM): lol

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nathan tries to go to culinary school...

Nathan: eh kind of gave up

Nathan: im going back to Maryland for the summer session

Nathan: i got denied at Chipotle and that was the last straw

TJ: rofl