peglegmcgee: yeah have a date for friday
i have so much in common with this lady
its scary
Marty: like what
peglegmcgee: she is gothic for 1
and i am into all that shit and stuff
except wearing the clothing
peglegmcgee: yeah have a date for friday
i have so much in common with this lady
its scary
Marty: like what
peglegmcgee: she is gothic for 1
and i am into all that shit and stuff
except wearing the clothing
keeptalking27: yo
palkpal1: what up
keeptalking27: O
keeptalking27: M
keeptalking27: G
keeptalking27: so like i went 2 the late night cafe 2 get something 2 eat
keeptalking27: i get there
keeptalking27: these 2 girls are making out
keeptalking27: then
keeptalking27: im walking back 2 my dorm
keeptalking27: and like ahead of me are this guy and girl fightinh
keeptalking27: and so
keeptalking27: appently the girl is dumping the guy
keeptalking27: and so
keeptalking27: the guy is like bitch go fuck yourself
keeptalking27: and
keeptalking27: the girl goes
keeptalking27: and then she goes
keeptalking27: and buy the way
keeptalking27: learn to wipe your fucking ass you smell like shit
palkpal1: whats he say?
keeptalking27: nothing
keeptalking27: i started luaghing
keeptalking27: and like
keeptalking27: it was awk
keeptalking27: b/c they heard me laughing
keeptalking27: so i ran the pretned i was readin txt msg on cell phone
keeptalking27: then she just like walked away from him
palkpal1: you prob could of gotten some break up sex
keeptalking27: i doubt it
palkpal1: u shoulda walked over and been like am bigger then 3 baby
keeptalking27: i havent shaved in 3 days, i smell bad b/c i was at the library studying anf it was 90 degrees in there
keeptalking27: u could run the im 2x as big
keeptalking27: and not be lyin
palkpal1: yea
palkpal1: like 3s pretty huge though
keeptalking27: i mean
keeptalking27: i wish i was that big
Gerard Fabiano (Seton Hall) wroteat 1:48pm on April 24th, 2007
used jon sonne's rash cream medicine as tooth paste
Matt Rubin82: yeah he did
Matt Rubin82: and jon applies
Matt Rubin82: the cream
Matt Rubin82: directly
Matt Rubin82: on the scab
Matt Rubin82: ...
MisterMartyRose: loooool