Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Glasses Classic

keeptalking27: i want to fucking die
keeptalking27: great
keeptalking27: lost 600 dollars in an hour
palkpal1: ROFL
keeptalking27: yea
keeptalking27: fuck it
keeptalking27: i think im gonna go run my car off a brudge
keeptalking27: or cliff
keeptalking27: know ne good cliffs?
palkpal1: its 1 bad session
palkpal1: like i lost 1500 in one
palkpal1: just let it go
keeptalking27: nah
keeptalking27: im pissed b/c i told myself i quit
keeptalking27: and then i dident
keeptalking27: thats just pathetic

Friday, July 13, 2007

Gas station guy and TJ's mom part 2

palkpal1: rofl
palkpal1: just got gged
palkpal1: again
MisterMartyRose: what happened
palkpal1: gas station guy
palkpal1: comes to house
palkpal1: and has the audacity
palkpal1: to ask me for the house number
palkpal1: it was too awk
MisterMartyRose: lololol
palkpal1: i stopped
palkpal1: and he just enters the house
palkpal1: thought he was gonna try something
MisterMartyRose: wow
MisterMartyRose: was your mom there?
palkpal1: shes sleeping upstairs
palkpal1: i said no
MisterMartyRose: rofl
palkpal1: its real funny
MisterMartyRose: yes
MisterMartyRose: yes it is
palkpal1: just so fucken awk
palkpal1: it was basically like i was saying hi to a girl i smacked around
palkpal1: and pretended like nothing happened
MisterMartyRose: lol
palkpal1: was gonna say rape but thats too bad
MisterMartyRose: did you tell him to not come back?
palkpal1: nah
palkpal1: like too awk
palkpal1: missed a few hands
palkpal1: just wanted to end it

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Mufasa7812: if you had a time machine would you go back in time and have sex with yourself?