Tuesday, February 22, 2011


mistermartyrose 12:11
this girl said im a savant today
poker savant

xallenc05x 12:11
idiot savant perhaps

mistermartyrose 12:12

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Matthew Rubin:
Free 1000 rollover minutes from AT&T! Works with all phones!
Text "Yes" to 11113020

Ryan Lockard:
You get hacked?

Matthew Rubin:
No, slickdeals

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

God's Chosen People

Nathan: yo do u like whipped cream cheese or regular on bagels?
TJ: not a big fan of either why
Nathan: Ok
TJ: that was random
Nathan: yeah
conducting a poll
i think whipped is waaay better
was curious what other people thought
since i was eating bagel chips and lox w/ cream cheese
oh i gotta ask matt rubin
hes a jew
obv likes bagels

Nathan: Yo
Nathan: do u like whipped cream cheese or regular on bagels?
Matt: all jews dont eat bagels
Nathan: lolol
Matt: i usually buy the regular since whipped is overpriced

Bringing the Blog Back

twilightz0nek9s(10:50:32 PM): obv
twilightz0nek9s(10:50:43 PM): i mean i think im pretty hot
twilightz0nek9s(10:50:51 PM): like if i could clone myself i would definitely have sex with me