Monday, December 31, 2007


So its tj, marty, espoo, and nathan from the way back from a ptq in md. On the way back we decide to get something to eat so we stop at fridays. We take a raffle on who has to walk in to see what the waits in. For the first time ever i dont get picked and marty has to go in. Baum fist pumps his dodging of the walk. Marty leaves and goes in then to my amazement baum goes gotta run bathroom. So he gets out of the car and marty apparenttly says to baum place are name ill see if were staying since its 25 mins. Marty gets back and we wait a few secs. Then mins and we finally get out of the car after 20mins. Baum coudent find out where we parked. We just yell at how dumb baum is and how he cant find the car. To top it off he never put are name in so we go in and the waits 30mins. So we just berate baum at how dumb he is for not being able to find the car. He swears we moved it somewhere and he coudent find it. He eventually just admits that he was too dumb and he coudent find the car. He was telling us how he was asking to borrow cell phones and no one would give him one. He even asked the officer "can you help me i lost my friends." The true story is once marty got in the car i decided to move it 3 spaces to the left. Apparenttly baum coudent figure it out. He kept walking over so close then turning around in frustartion. He kept mutter "this isent funny guys" under his breath on the 20mins he was waiting outside. He walked around and coudent find us. So the joke cost us a good 50mins that werent not getting back but well worth it. Food was pretty fridays like so average at best. TIll the next time NANANANANANANANANANANANANAANNAN

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