Monday, February 16, 2009

Rape Button

(8:22:14 PM) palkpal1: they
(8:22:15 PM) palkpal1: have rape
(8:22:17 PM) palkpal1: things
(8:22:18 PM) palkpal1: in the beds
(8:22:19 PM) palkpal1: to hit
(8:33:12 PM) mattrubin82: lol
(8:33:15 PM) mattrubin82: ur kidding me right
(8:35:54 PM) palkpal1: n
(8:36:04 PM) palkpal1: theres emergency things
(8:36:34 PM) mattrubin82: lol
(8:36:36 PM) mattrubin82: like deed is done
(8:36:38 PM) mattrubin82: before they get
(8:36:40 PM) mattrubin82: to the room
(8:36:42 PM) palkpal1: yea
(8:36:48 PM) mattrubin82: or do they have an RA
(8:36:49 PM) palkpal1: but it scares people off
(8:36:50 PM) mattrubin82: at every room
(8:36:54 PM) palkpal1: nah\
(8:36:54 PM) mattrubin82: lol
(8:36:55 PM) palkpal1: n ra
(8:36:58 PM) palkpal1: calls cops
(8:37:00 PM) mattrubin82: like someone under bed
(8:37:02 PM) mattrubin82: ur too close
(8:37:04 PM) mattrubin82: slow it down

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