Monday, April 2, 2007


Well we schedule to go around 2 pm so i talk to Matt R the day before and he claims we wont get to the GP until 11pm. So the next day i wake up late and get to Marty's just in time and am waiting for Espoo to call me and tell me he got to Princeton. So at 3pm i get the call espoo apparently overslept and just woke up. I tell Espoo will prob just pick him up l8r. I call up Chad and tell him that were just gonna leave at 7. He responds with "are u fuck en kidding me" we need to leave now so am like whatever i guess so. We get to Chad's and then were off to pick up Espoo. We hit a little traffic and had to reduce to 0 for a little while and get to espoos at 6 then we run the eats. After the eats we go and end up at the GP at 11pm. Matt R apparently had the read. We end up pulling an all night er between me, espoo, and Marty. We watch some mtv dating shows and then into the blue with Jessica Alba. After the movie we just go downstairs since we are starving and fond out breakfast is not until 7am. We chill then snag some breakfast and then go to the GP. Marty wins a money draft while am just chill en. We end up getting blown away at the GP at are last match we got 1percent ed. Like they ripped ripped and ripped then extended the hand like it was a good game. I just refuse like my normal scumbag self. After that we end up going out to eat at Outback with me, Marty, Matt, espoo, Matt's teammate and chad. We all order and get ready to eat. The blooming onion was somehow burnt, like could not believe it. Then my salad was pretty terrible cause it was still frozen. We get back to the site.We end up going shopping for Gadiel who treated for some beer. He wanted some vodka but apparently no alcohol unless you have a Mass drivers licension. Was pretty unreal. So we get back and Espoo goes to do his thing and we just run a booster draft. Like me Matt R and Marty brought it home even though we barely squeaked. We go back to the room and pass out wake up the next day and basically bounce. Another solid weekend for yours truly. Prop on Matt R and gerard top 4ing.

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