Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Matt Rubin82 (2:30:05 AM): strip club is perfect place

Matt Rubin82 (2:30:07 AM): when ur on tilt

grandWIZARDmasta (2:29:58 AM): so is grocery store

Matt Rubin82 (2:30:29 AM): lol

grandWIZARDmasta (2:30:13 AM): i went the other day

grandWIZARDmasta (2:30:18 AM): i was on tilt

grandWIZARDmasta (2:30:21 AM): spent like 100

grandWIZARDmasta (2:30:22 AM): on nothing

Matt Rubin82 (2:31:03 AM): lolol

Matt Rubin82 (2:31:13 AM): i figured u would be in the hostess aisle

Matt Rubin82 (2:31:15 AM): making it rain

Matt Rubin82 (2:31:21 AM): w/ twinkies and swiss rolls

grandWIZARDmasta (2:31:11 AM): lolol

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