Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Went to ac a few weeks ago. It ended pretty badly which involved me losing 1k. Just went with Matt and ran into Soyer and others. I end up getting 2 to 1 for my last 400 with top pair and a flush draw. One guy says he has 2 pair and folds. I call since the odds are good i river a set but he obv has a boat. I stare into the pot lost like Mike did in rounders. Am just amazed at how the day went even though am only down 2 buy ins. Seems i just cant win at Borgata should prob be playing at the Tropicana only. I am taking a little break from AC and am going to try to find some smaller games around in clubs. Gonna be going to Turning Stone as well in a few weeks maybe the June 16 week and try to grind into the 1k or 2500.

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