Friday, August 31, 2007


da7cardstud: every time ive gotten head from a fatty
da7cardstud: its been nuts
LiquidMetal 525: lol why would u get head from a fatty
da7cardstud: like would u rather fuck a fatty?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Josh Actually Says Something Funny

keeptalking27 (5:05:09 PM): josh told me this awesome story
keeptalking27 (5:05:19 PM): he is in class
keeptalking27 (5:05:25 PM): and this guy is talking 2 this girl
keeptalking27 (5:05:30 PM): and the guy is lecturing
keeptalking27 (5:05:31 PM): and hes like
keeptalking27 (5:05:34 PM): wtf u doin
keeptalking27 (5:05:42 PM): kid makes up a sb excuse like
keeptalking27 (5:05:48 PM): explaining this thing
keeptalking27 (5:05:49 PM): or w/e
keeptalking27 (5:05:51 PM): he goes
keeptalking27 (5:06:04 PM): ok, well if u need 2 explain something ask her to get coffee w/ u after class
keeptalking27 (5:06:07 PM): and he makes him ask her
keeptalking27 (5:06:10 PM): in front of the class
keeptalking27 (5:06:12 PM): and she goes
keeptalking27 (5:06:15 PM): im sorry i have a boyfriend
palkpal1 (5:06:42 PM): pretty awk

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

nathan again

Nathan Baum was walking down the street when he came across a random branch of flowers that had fallen from a nearby tree. He reached down and picked it up and proceeded to a field where all his friends were sitting. When his friends jokingly asked him who the flowers for he looked up and saw his love not far away. Nathan strolled up to this "beautiful" girl and offered her the flowers. She took them with a quick nod of thanks and walked away briskly. Nathan observed her and her friends walk down the path back to school when suddenly Nathans girl purposefully dropped the flowers in the mud and continued walking. Nathan was distraught and ran down the hill to retrieve the flowers. Unforunately for Nathan, while he was running down the hill, he tripped and fell. Mud splattered everywhere. Onto himself, his girl, and all her friends. Nathan snatched up the flowers raised them above his head and offered them once again to his girl saying, "You dropped these." She took them once again, mumbled her thanks and went on her away covered in mud.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Booty call gone wrong.

palkpal1: let me herer this gem of a story

da7cardstud: ex gf calls me tells me to come to NYC

da7cardstud: i assume its a booty call

da7cardstud: she says shes drunk

da7cardstud: says come here now

da7cardstud: i miss the 10 o clock train

da7cardstud: wait an hour

da7cardstud: catch the eleven

da7cardstud: i get there

da7cardstud: locked out of her place

da7cardstud: cell phone not workin

da7cardstud: i eventually get in

da7cardstud: go up

da7cardstud: shes like "im tired"

da7cardstud: apparently wasnt a booty call

da7cardstud: she just wanted to see me b4 college

da7cardstud: like i blew 25 bills on train

da7cardstud: i at least deserve a hand job

da7cardstud: but whatever

da7cardstud: so she says shes gotta sleep

da7cardstud: kicks me out at 3

da7cardstud: nxt train isnt until 4:20

da7cardstud: its cold and rainy

da7cardstud: i wander around for an hour

da7cardstud: get on the train

da7cardstud: fall asleep

da7cardstud: sleep past my stop

da7cardstud: end up in trenton

da7cardstud: am broke

da7cardstud: try to mize the free ride

da7cardstud: conductor is an asshole

da7cardstud: he's real rude

da7cardstud: says get off at hamilton buy a ticket

da7cardstud: but hes a real asshole

da7cardstud: like making needles at me and everything

da7cardstud: i tell him togo fuck himself

da7cardstud: he asks how old i am

da7cardstud: i just dont respond

da7cardstud: i get off at hamilton

da7cardstud: the guy is following me to make sure i dont switch cars

da7cardstud: i wait till the next train and mize the free one stop ride

da7cardstud: and now im home

da7cardstud: all cus that girl is a fucking trick

palkpal1: thats a rough day

palkpal1: she prob wanted a booty call but u took too long

palkpal1: like 2-3 hrs l8r

da7cardstud: maybe

palkpal1: obv did it herself

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


MisterMartyRose (11:36:01 PM): so i was shopping for college stuff
MisterMartyRose (11:36:06 PM): and i see this chick
MisterMartyRose (11:36:13 PM): shopping with her mom
MisterMartyRose (11:36:15 PM): for college
palkpal1 (11:36:52 PM): yea
MisterMartyRose (11:36:55 PM): and I see her put a box of condoms in the shopping cart
MisterMartyRose (11:37:00 PM): I was like wow
MisterMartyRose (11:37:06 PM): the balls on this chick
MisterMartyRose (11:37:14 PM): not only to put them in the cart
MisterMartyRose (11:37:19 PM): but to get the mom to pay for them
palkpal1 (11:37:26 PM): she a looker
MisterMartyRose (11:37:29 PM): yeah
MisterMartyRose (11:37:37 PM): hard to spit game
MisterMartyRose (11:37:40 PM): when she's with her mom
palkpal1 (11:37:46 PM): think i woulda went with the awk
palkpal1 (11:37:53 PM): dont need to buy girl i got them covered
MisterMartyRose (11:38:17 PM): hahaa
palkpal1 (11:38:29 PM): that woulda been nice
palkpal1 (11:38:33 PM): wonder what mom says
palkpal1 (11:38:35 PM): she obv laughs
MisterMartyRose (11:38:59 PM): too awk

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Almost Outplayed

I raise under the gun to 5 which folds to the bb who calls. I have jack 10 of hearts. The flop is 8 9 3 all diamonds. Small blind checks i decide to check. Turns a queen clubs which he checks i bet 10 which he calls. Rivers a queen of spades which he checks i bet 20 he puts me in i call. He goes jack high flush. I go man thats an unlucky turn for me. He responds with yea its a good card for me. Everyones waiting and a guy asks him to show his hand which he refuses. He goes jack high flush you wanna muck. I go show your hand and ill muck he clocks I just grab his cards and show them. He ends up showing jack diamonds 5 spades. He tried to get me to muck so he won. Basically never felt so cheated in my life. Call the kid a scumbag and just scoop the pot. He trys to play it off like it happens in AC all the time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


[17:04] Gerrard: yo
[17:04] SteveSadin: hey
[17:04] Gerrard: did you ever talk to jayz before
[17:05] SteveSadin: yeah, he owns a recording studio in our building
[17:05] Gerrard: what did u say to him
[17:05] SteveSadin: not much
[17:05] SteveSadin: he's going to be in mike's invitational video though
[17:05] Gerrard: yea right
[17:05] SteveSadin: seriously
[17:05] Gerrard: wont even help
[17:05] Gerrard: gabe walls is a bigger celeb
[17:05] Gerrard: in th emagic ocmminuty
[17:06] SteveSadin: lol, yeah?
[17:06] Gerrard: yea
[17:06] SteveSadin: jayz is a big timer though
[17:06] Gerrard: and he is in mine
[17:06] Gerrard: nah
[17:06] SteveSadin: nice
[17:06] Gerrard: isnt
[17:06] Gerrard: no one knows him
[17:06] Gerrard: that plays magic
[17:06] Gerrard: like random european
[17:06] Gerrard: who votes
[17:07] Gerrard: did jayz already say yes
[17:07] SteveSadin: yeah
[17:07] SteveSadin: mike ran into him on the elevator
[17:08] SteveSadin: as long as Jayz isn't too busy he'll be in
[17:08] Gerrard: i think ill still win
[17:08] SteveSadin: i dunno
[17:08] SteveSadin: people really like mike
[17:08] SteveSadin: and people love jayz
[17:08] Gerrard: he says he isnt going
[17:08] Gerrard: is he going now?
[17:08] Gerrard: he told me he pass it down
[17:09] SteveSadin: i dunno
[17:09] SteveSadin: now that he has jayz in his video i think he'll go
[17:10] Gerrard: what his he going to do with him
[17:10] SteveSadin: i dunno, i think just have him say "hi i'm jayz, vote for my friend mike"
[17:10] SteveSadin: and then he pies mike in the face
[17:10] Gerrard: everyone will know
[17:11] Gerrard: he copyed off me
[17:11] Gerrard: i was the first to get pied in the face
[17:11] SteveSadin: no, gabe was
[17:11] Gerrard: no
[17:11] Gerrard: i was the one who had him pied
[17:11] Gerrard: i started the pie in the face
[17:11] Gerrard: in the magic world
[17:11] SteveSadin: yeah, but mike is getting pied by jayz
[17:11] SteveSadin: do you realize how insane that is
[17:11] Gerrard: doesnt matter
[17:11] Gerrard: he isnt the inventor of the pie in th eface for magic
[17:12] SteveSadin: the voters don't know that
[17:12] Gerrard: ill post it
[17:12] Gerrard: when the video goes up
[17:12] SteveSadin: they're gonna think you're desperate then
[17:12] Gerrard: no
[17:12] Gerrard: im going to post this convo
[17:12] Gerrard: with the date
[17:12] Gerrard: for proof
[17:12] SteveSadin: thats smart
[17:12] Gerrard: yes i know