Friday, August 24, 2007

nathan again

Nathan Baum was walking down the street when he came across a random branch of flowers that had fallen from a nearby tree. He reached down and picked it up and proceeded to a field where all his friends were sitting. When his friends jokingly asked him who the flowers for he looked up and saw his love not far away. Nathan strolled up to this "beautiful" girl and offered her the flowers. She took them with a quick nod of thanks and walked away briskly. Nathan observed her and her friends walk down the path back to school when suddenly Nathans girl purposefully dropped the flowers in the mud and continued walking. Nathan was distraught and ran down the hill to retrieve the flowers. Unforunately for Nathan, while he was running down the hill, he tripped and fell. Mud splattered everywhere. Onto himself, his girl, and all her friends. Nathan snatched up the flowers raised them above his head and offered them once again to his girl saying, "You dropped these." She took them once again, mumbled her thanks and went on her away covered in mud.

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