Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Booty call gone wrong.

palkpal1: let me herer this gem of a story

da7cardstud: ex gf calls me tells me to come to NYC

da7cardstud: i assume its a booty call

da7cardstud: she says shes drunk

da7cardstud: says come here now

da7cardstud: i miss the 10 o clock train

da7cardstud: wait an hour

da7cardstud: catch the eleven

da7cardstud: i get there

da7cardstud: locked out of her place

da7cardstud: cell phone not workin

da7cardstud: i eventually get in

da7cardstud: go up

da7cardstud: shes like "im tired"

da7cardstud: apparently wasnt a booty call

da7cardstud: she just wanted to see me b4 college

da7cardstud: like i blew 25 bills on train

da7cardstud: i at least deserve a hand job

da7cardstud: but whatever

da7cardstud: so she says shes gotta sleep

da7cardstud: kicks me out at 3

da7cardstud: nxt train isnt until 4:20

da7cardstud: its cold and rainy

da7cardstud: i wander around for an hour

da7cardstud: get on the train

da7cardstud: fall asleep

da7cardstud: sleep past my stop

da7cardstud: end up in trenton

da7cardstud: am broke

da7cardstud: try to mize the free ride

da7cardstud: conductor is an asshole

da7cardstud: he's real rude

da7cardstud: says get off at hamilton buy a ticket

da7cardstud: but hes a real asshole

da7cardstud: like making needles at me and everything

da7cardstud: i tell him togo fuck himself

da7cardstud: he asks how old i am

da7cardstud: i just dont respond

da7cardstud: i get off at hamilton

da7cardstud: the guy is following me to make sure i dont switch cars

da7cardstud: i wait till the next train and mize the free one stop ride

da7cardstud: and now im home

da7cardstud: all cus that girl is a fucking trick

palkpal1: thats a rough day

palkpal1: she prob wanted a booty call but u took too long

palkpal1: like 2-3 hrs l8r

da7cardstud: maybe

palkpal1: obv did it herself

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