Thursday, September 27, 2007

He's Not Kidding Either...

da7cardstud (5:54:26 PM): Yo
da7cardstud (5:54:32 PM): just scored the best campus job ever
MisterMartyRose (5:55:14 PM): what's that
da7cardstud (5:55:18 PM): nude model 9$ an hour
da7cardstud (5:55:27 PM): you rock out with your cock out for 3hr shifts
da7cardstud (5:55:30 PM): and get paid
MisterMartyRose (5:55:43 PM): god your gay
MisterMartyRose (5:55:52 PM): looooooooooooooooooool
MisterMartyRose (5:55:58 PM): $9
MisterMartyRose (5:56:01 PM): loooooooooooooooooooooool
MisterMartyRose (5:56:08 PM): you're a 9 dollar whore
da7cardstud (5:56:18 PM): like you dont have to do anything u just stand there
da7cardstud (5:56:24 PM): u dont have to take on any cock or anything
MisterMartyRose (5:56:44 PM): looool

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