Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Scene from a movie

palkpal1 (9:02:01 PM): yo
keeptalking27 (9:02:05 PM): man i sware
keeptalking27 (9:02:09 PM): i just had sometihng happen
keeptalking27 (9:02:15 PM): that should only ever happen in movies
palkpal1 (9:02:24 PM): tell
keeptalking27 (9:02:30 PM): i went 2 get diner
keeptalking27 (9:02:33 PM): so i drove
keeptalking27 (9:02:35 PM): 2 restaurant
keeptalking27 (9:02:40 PM): and as im gettin out of car
keeptalking27 (9:02:43 PM): i see this girl
keeptalking27 (9:03:05 PM): and she has on this like mini skirt but like somehow its tight so like u can still see her ass and like shes redic hot
keeptalking27 (9:03:12 PM): so like i had my back 2 the door of my car
keeptalking27 (9:03:35 PM): and i closed it, but apprently i was too close and so i slammed the corner of the soor into my back and so it hurt and i yelled fuck
keeptalking27 (9:03:49 PM): and so this old lady and her grandchild were i guess parked a few cars away
keeptalking27 (9:03:53 PM): and she comes over to me
keeptalking27 (9:04:04 PM): and shes like, your parents did a terrable job
keeptalking27 (9:04:45 PM): like
keeptalking27 (9:04:51 PM): i rly wanted to just punch her
keeptalking27 (9:04:59 PM): but that wouldent bevery smart

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