Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ship it

carolinakid420: lucky guy

theodore palkon: my equitys 40percent

Dealer: theodore palkon has 15 seconds left to act
theodore palkon: u called pot with 5 high

carolinakid420: il still win

Dealer: carolinakid420 shows [7s 7d]Dealer: theodore palkon shows [Jd Kc]Dealer: carolinakid420 shows two pair, Sevens and TwosDealer: theodore palkon shows two pair, Kings and TwosDealer: theodore palkon wins the pot (2,300) with two pair, Kings and Twos

theodore palkon (Observer): seems u lied

carolinakid420 (Observer): donk

carolinakid420 (Observer): fu

carolinakid420 (Observer): pussy

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