Sunday, December 14, 2008

A contest of sorts...

Matthew Rubin: ill run pic for pic with random girls who is better lookng
for $

palkpal1: if i get real pics i will

Matthew Rubin: like u still will have ur slow dumb look even if pic is real

palkpal1: ok buddy we wear same cloths and take pictures and judge

Matthew Rubin: ok how much u want to run it for

palkpal1: we each pick 1 thing to wear and take a picture

Matthew Rubin: lol

palkpal1: i got mine already

Matthew Rubin: whats ur pic u playing guitar hero that ones classic

palkpal1: just shirtless

Matthew Rubin: lol

palkpal1: yea i look retarted there

Matthew Rubin: ill give u 3 to 1 on guitar hero (

palkpal1: nah that pic is soo bad

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