Tuesday, December 9, 2008

TJ's new girl

(1:08:24 PM) MattRubin82: so tj was talking to a religious girl
(1:08:27 PM) MattRubin82: and asked her
(1:08:31 PM) MattRubin82: if she wanted to study together
(1:08:36 PM) MattRubin82: and she snap blocked him
(1:08:37 PM) MattRubin82: in disgust
(1:13:32 PM) mistermartyrose: LOL
(1:13:36 PM) mistermartyrose: study the bible?
(1:13:42 PM) MattRubin82: yeah
(1:13:47 PM) mistermartyrose: that's amazing
(1:13:48 PM) MattRubin82: she apparently was 'born again'
(1:13:50 PM) MattRubin82: christian
(1:14:09 PM) MattRubin82: tj put u want to "study" ;)
(1:14:14 PM) mistermartyrose: wowow TJ is turning into BloodNinja I'm kinda impressed
(1:14:22 PM) MattRubin82: i told him
(1:14:26 PM) MattRubin82: shes not putting out
(1:14:29 PM) MattRubin82: for anyone except god
(1:14:37 PM) MattRubin82: her motto on the fish site was
(1:14:40 PM) MattRubin82: love is patience

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