Saturday, March 24, 2007

Atlantic City March 24

So i end up deciding to run Atlantic City over some lame PTQ. I end up waking up late so i call up Justin and tell him am leaving hes apparently still sleeping. So i obv get lost trying to pick him up get there a little late. Since i overslept i have to wait for my Mom to get home with the car. She says that she will be home at around 4. So Justin takes a nap while i watch some tv. It gets to 4 and my moms still not home. I left my cell phone in the car and am a little to lazy to pick it up so we just watch tv for another 3 hrs. Saw a good movie Just Friends would suggest u rent it out. So i get to the car and realize my mom just went to a friends house and never came home so i drive over and were on our way. I come to pick up Nick and then go to Marty's for him and Nathan. We need to get something to eat so we stop at Olive Garden which is obv packed. Am swayed to go to a Dennys were the night starts to go sour. I say the food blows and am going to lose inf now which i eventually do. We order and i end up only getting half of what i ordered man gotta love it. So throughout the dinner Nathan asks for money for smokes i refuse so hes fucked. We end up leaving for Atlantic City and get there around 11. Nathan is like we need to 007 it and go in different waves so we don't get carded. I feel like am taking orders from a fuck en idiot. So me Justin and Nick are wave one and Marty and Nathan are wave two. We all are able to get in and things start to go well. One guy at my table gets pretty depressed from the bad beats and starts to get wasted. He gets a bad beat and says" after your done fucking me over why don't u just do my finance" who was also at the table. She shakes her head and it continues. I get a frozen wave of cards and under the gun i snag kings and its looking good. I get re raised by some fish who re raised with queen jack suited the hand before so am looking for a double. He ends up having rockets so am down 100 and re buy. Night continues i basically get blinded off get bored play some terrible hands. I call a guys push of 60 pre with 5s he had 10 4 off. So its around 1 am and Nathan comes over and needs a loan am like what happened he tells me some tear jerks so i give him 100. He comes back an hr late and hes one and done. Then everyone wants to leave around 5 am am pretty upset since am stuck 300 and am like just wait. I end up on leaving at 6am stuck 200 and being pretty bitter. Apparently at the other table a player got bitter and started requesting people to get carded so i guess got out in time. The day ended with Justin up 1k Marty at 400 Nick -120 Me -200 Nathan -500. A funny part of the cigarettes i didn't give Nathan was the fact he needed to buy them at the Casino for 10 dollars. He ends up getting them thrown away on the ride home from Nick. Way home Nathan starts trying to get people to run money drafts for 500 or races. I drop everyone off and get home at 10 30. So after a nice 12 hrs am down 200 and could not be any happier.

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