Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dumpster Diving...

Matt Rubin82: this one kid thats a friend of a friend i know
Matt Rubin82: plays 30-60 6 tables on party
Matt Rubin82: well he did
Matt Rubin82: and dumpster dived
Matt Rubin82: to save $ on food?!?!?!
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: looooooool
MisterMartyRose: looooool
Matt Rubin82: he was actually
Matt Rubin82: the most absurd kid ever
Matt Rubin82: hes veganmav on 2+2
Matt Rubin82: if u ever read that site
Matt Rubin82: he went to japan
MisterMartyRose: okay
Matt Rubin82: for a year
Matt Rubin82: on no money
Matt Rubin82: to learn the culture
Matt Rubin82: sleeping in the street
Matt Rubin82: so he goes to japan doesnt speek an inkling
Matt Rubin82: of japanese
MisterMartyRose: lol
Matt Rubin82: with maybe $100
MisterMartyRose: what a guy
Matt Rubin82: in his pocket
Matt Rubin82: and a backpack
MisterMartyRose: full of what
Matt Rubin82: unreal
Matt Rubin82: like prob 1 change of clothes
Matt Rubin82: and his laptop
Matt Rubin82: to play poker
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: so howd he do
Matt Rubin82: hes still alive
MisterMartyRose: HAHA
Matt Rubin82: man i gotta find his site
Matt Rubin82: he has all these pics
Matt Rubin82: of his trip to japan
MisterMartyRose: no way
Matt Rubin82: "this is a nice jap who picked me up hitchhiking
MisterMartyRose: howd he do pokerwise
Matt Rubin82: yep actually ill look right now i have it saved in email
Matt Rubin82: i think he does well
Matt Rubin82: somehow
Matt Rubin82: well he doesnt have much living expenses
MisterMartyRose: haha
MisterMartyRose: how does he get the poker $ tho
MisterMartyRose: if he's living on the street
Matt Rubin82: i think he actyually
Matt Rubin82: HAS money
Matt Rubin82: he just sees no reason to spend it
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: nice logic
Matt Rubin82: so hes in japan
Matt Rubin82: dumpster diving
Matt Rubin82: and hitchhiking
Matt Rubin82: can u imagine that
Matt Rubin82: pretty much worst nightmare
Matt Rubin82: ever
Matt Rubin82: looking at my old email
Matt Rubin82: i got it saved somewhere
MisterMartyRose: like treat yourself to a big blind buddy
Matt Rubin82: hope its still up
MisterMartyRose: lol
Matt Rubin82: one time
Matt Rubin82: he was on his way
Matt Rubin82: to a dumpster
MisterMartyRose: lol
Matt Rubin82: he had frequently dove in
Matt Rubin82: and he saw
Matt Rubin82: that a new homeless family
MisterMartyRose: LOL
Matt Rubin82: had taken it over
Matt Rubin82: and he was furious
MisterMartyRose: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaah
MisterMartyRose: laughing so hard
Matt Rubin82: i heard he doesnt actually dive in
Matt Rubin82: more like rummages through it
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: he prob perfected the technique
Matt Rubin82: one time, he took his
Matt Rubin82: "dumpster pizza"
Matt Rubin82: he called it
Matt Rubin82: to my friends house
Matt Rubin82: and wanted to cook it
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: "I want to get the germs off by heating it"
Matt Rubin82: ColumbusPatrick: There's this game, it doesn't really have a name, or a goal, you can play it with 2 - a lot of people. There's no way to win or lose, and no real goal. You push each other over, and climb one another, and fall over and run away and run toward, jump and roll, and climb trees. Please play with me.
I MEAN WHATEVER.. FUCK TV, MOVIES, COMPUTER, CONSUMERISM, FAST FOOD, CARS, POLICE, GOVERNENT, PROPERTY, LAWS, TIME, SOCIETAL NORMS, i just wanna have fun, be myself, not worry about stupid meaningless shit, i wanna play outside, stay up late doign nothing, meet new people everyday, play with everyone, use my room as just a place to sleep, learn from others, and from experience, and from life, not from a text book, i wanna travel , and go wherever i want to whenever i want with whoever i want, any time any place anywhere anybody, well now that the dream is stated, i'll go back to normal life of classes, work, rules, structure, police etc..
Matt Rubin82: lol
Matt Rubin82: that was his life slogan
MisterMartyRose: lol
Matt Rubin82: like completely insane
Matt Rubin82: man im having trouble finding it
MisterMartyRose: I was laughing so hard
MisterMartyRose: at the "furious" part

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