Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Matt Rubin82: one time Gerard lost his wallet
Matt Rubin82: for a week
Matt Rubin82: then it miraculously appeared
Matt Rubin82: under his bed
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: loooooooooool
MisterMartyRose: "I just don't get it. I thought I looked EVERYWHERE!"
Matt Rubin82: lol

**Gerard wondering where he lost his wallet(second time he lost it)**

GFabs5 (7:52:41 PM): i think a.) i was running for ambulance
GFabs5 (7:52:45 PM): and it falls out
GFabs5 (7:52:52 PM): b.) i put on table and walk away
GFabs5 (7:52:59 PM): c.) i put on car and walk away
GFabs5 (7:53:07 PM): d.) i go to bathroom and lose it
GFabs5 (7:53:10 PM): like honestly
GFabs5 (7:53:13 PM): no clue

It turns out, Gerard lost his wallet at a church, and the priest called him up so it could be returned. How lucky.

MisterMartyRose: one day
MisterMartyRose: I was walking home from work
MisterMartyRose: I see nathan baum and this random sifting through a trash can
Matt Rubin82: baum dives?
Matt Rubin82: lolol
MisterMartyRose: they get their hands on a pizza box
MisterMartyRose: and get all excited
MisterMartyRose: they open
MisterMartyRose: the box
MisterMartyRose: but find nothing
MisterMartyRose: then pout
Matt Rubin82: lol
Matt Rubin82: who dumpster dives
MisterMartyRose: at this point they see me
MisterMartyRose: and I confront them
MisterMartyRose: they openly admit it saying "we were hungry"
Matt Rubin82: lol
Matt Rubin82: nice excuse

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