Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ravitz. What a Pile

Matt Rubin82: he dropped out of college

Matt Rubin82: fresh yr

Matt Rubin82: after

palkpal1: like hes the worst human being ive ever been around

Matt Rubin82: 48 hrs

Matt Rubin82: he didnt even stay

Matt Rubin82: the 2nd night

Matt Rubin82: he moved into his dorm

Matt Rubin82: then next day

Matt Rubin82: goes

Matt Rubin82: nope

Matt Rubin82: not for me

Matt Rubin82: and calls mom and says

Matt Rubin82: im leaving

palkpal1: geuss he got beat up that bad

palkpal1: are you really surprised

Matt Rubin82: lol

Matt Rubin82: 48 hrs?!?!

Matt Rubin82: who drops out of school

palkpal1: to many girls around

Matt Rubin82: having never been to a class yet

Matt Rubin82: lol

palkpal1: he dident know what to do

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