Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Thanks for the Tip Sir!

Matt Rubin82: at tropicana
Matt Rubin82: gerard apparently heard the dealer say
Matt Rubin82: "must be a lot of jews here today"
Matt Rubin82: i didnt hear it or i wouldnt have tipped
Matt Rubin82: so anyways
Matt Rubin82: gerard is winning a few hands
Matt Rubin82: w/ trhis dealer
Matt Rubin82: and not tipping
Matt Rubin82: and the dealer is really pushing the issue
Matt Rubin82: rolling his eyes
Matt Rubin82: and shaking his head at this regular asian girl
Matt Rubin82: he knew at our table
Matt Rubin82: and i think at one point hes like
Matt Rubin82: thanks for the tip
Matt Rubin82: to gerard
Matt Rubin82: obv being sarcastic
Matt Rubin82: then gerard goes up and gets the floor
Matt Rubin82: and the guy gets spoken to
palkpal1: he get comped?
Matt Rubin82: nope
Matt Rubin82: he was hoping

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