Friday, March 30, 2007

gerard bust a nut

palkpal1: can u hook marty up with your sister

GFabs5: she says she no assciaote with 18 year old

palkpal1: hes hung like 25

palkpal1: so>

palkpal1: ?

GFabs5: who sit on bench instead of playing hocky, he all cocky, he look like a tall scarnny horse jokckey, try to friend request my sister, nice try, but he got fucking Denined, he needs to pop is zit shut the fuck up and just sit, and that game hockey he plays he should just fucking quit. Hung like he's 25 he sucks so bad at magic he plays fucking holy day to stay alive, after he loses he looks to see how much time is left, fucking 45. nice room you and potato head i bet marty gonna get it in the ass when they sleep bed, enough said.

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