Tuesday, May 29, 2007


peglegmcgee: yeah have a date for friday

i have so much in common with this lady
its scary

Marty: like what

peglegmcgee: she is gothic for 1
and i am into all that shit and stuff
except wearing the clothing

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Call (800) GAMBLER

Matt Rubin82 (1:22:46 AM): The Warning Signs of Problem Gambling Gambling to escape everyday problems and worries. Gambling to get money to resolve financial problems. Borrowing money to gamble or to cover gambling debts. Selling personal possessions to gamble or to cover gambling debts. Inability to stop gambling regardless of win or loss levels. Gambling until you've lost your last dollar. Neglecting your job, family and self because of gambling. An unhappy home life because of gambling. Reluctance to use "gambling money" for necessary household expenses. Feelings of hopelessness, depression or suicidal thoughts because of gambling
palkpal1 (1:23:19 AM): this is awkward
palkpal1 (1:23:25 AM): am yes for all
palkpal1 (1:24:45 AM): Gambling to escape everyday problems and worries

Thursday, May 17, 2007

HU with TJ

So we are at Osyp's watching the Suns/Spurs game and just shooting the shit. We decide to play in a 5 man $20 sit and go which I split in the finals with Marty. TJ is pretty mad as I busted his KT hh with AK, since he clearly thought he should win. He challenges me to a $20 headsup freezeout to recoup his loss from the sit and go. We are pretty much even throughout, even though he got it in at one point with top pair vs my tens and runners the straight on board for a chop. Another hand arises where we both check the flop. The turn I pick up an open ended straight draw and bet, he air calls me with KT hi. River is the K and he obviously calls my bet at the end. He claimed he woulda called the river w/ KT hi, which actually would not have surprised me that much given how well he was playing. Nice air call. This hand then comes up. TJ is the small blind on the button. He limps. I pick up A7 and raise 8 on top to 10 total (1-2 blinds). He calls. Flop comes out 446 rainbow. I continuation bet 10, which TJ instantly calls. Turn is a Q, I bet 15 again to make it seem like a value bet, and I am pretty sure TJ just air called the flop. TJ almost beats me into the pot once again with the call, and again I am fairly sure he has again air called me. River is a 2. I check. TJ immediately shoves. I tank for a min and decide he def has nothing and call. He shows the A5 and i scoop the pot. TJ is pretty mad and it was fairly funny.


Collection of Quotes View Blog
69 Posts, last published on May 15, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Car Trouble

GFabs5: 2nd year of college i am in parking lot and some wacko girl hits me
GFabs5: with her car as i am pulling out
GFabs5: so i get out and there is like a dent, but it was already there and a new scracth
MisterMartyRose: okay
GFabs5: so im like what are you doing now i have to call the cops
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: she is like pls no i have no insurance im like well
GFabs5: she says ill ship u cash
GFabs5: im like how much she says 100 so im just about to take it
GFabs5: as her "friend" shows up who is some hee haw who cliams to be an expert on cars
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: and says its 300$ worth of damages
GFabs5: im like mise , so im like ship
GFabs5: she says follow me to atm
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: so i follow her and she gets out and gets the money as she is getting the money she gets a parking ticket for being double parked
GFabs5: so she gives me the money and i take off
MisterMartyRose: lolol
GFabs5: get home and my dad sprays my car with windex and fixes it, i then proceed to drive down to atlantic city and play some 5 10 with the girls 300$
GFabs5: :-)
MisterMartyRose: must be nice
GFabs5: ya is
GFabs5: then i see her like a week later
MisterMartyRose: what'd she say?
GFabs5: and she is like do you have a recipt for getting your car fixed
GFabs5: im just like yea ill get that to you
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: and she said "okay"?
GFabs5: yea then i just ran out of the pizza place before she realized
GFabs5: it was a pretty nice mise
MisterMartyRose: lol
GFabs5: like her hee haw friend cost her 200$
GFabs5: he had to have shown up at that perfect time too
MisterMartyRose: yeah nice "car expert"
MisterMartyRose: pretty bad beat for her
GFabs5: yea

I'm A Bad Person

MisterMartyRose: what it do
Cuban313: nothin
MisterMartyRose: how's jenn
Cuban313: fine
Cuban313: im not supposed to talk to girls this week tho
MisterMartyRose: looooooool?
Cuban313: its part of hell week
MisterMartyRose: ????
Cuban313: its part of pledging
Cuban313: were supposed to get initiated friday
Cuban313: so this is hell week aka the hardest week
MisterMartyRose: so you can't talk to girls
MisterMartyRose: what else can't you do
Cuban313: smoke anything drink or take any stimulants like caffeine or a lot of sugar
MisterMartyRose: nice life
Cuban313: its not bad
Cuban313: and dont put this on the blog if you were thinking about it
MisterMartyRose: FUCK
MisterMartyRose: why not?
Cuban313: im not really supposed to talk about it at all
MisterMartyRose: sounds like they got you by the balls
Cuban313: every fraternity is secretive
MisterMartyRose: because they don't want their members to tell the truth about their buttraping leaders?
Cuban313: maybe for some
Cuban313: each one has different secrets
MisterMartyRose: so sketchy

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Day In The Life Of A Dishwasher At Friendlys

palkpal1: yo
MisterMartyRose: how was work
palkpal1: quitting tom
palkpal1: like kept me till 1 am
palkpal1: i try to sneak out
palkpal1: then there like theodore
palkpal1: she calls the manager
palkpal1: am like am only on till 11 3o
palkpal1: its 11 30
MisterMartyRose: lol
palkpal1: why cant i leave
MisterMartyRose: what'd they say?
palkpal1: cant leave tills all done
palkpal1: i just do it knowing am not comming back
MisterMartyRose: wow
palkpal1: with no dishwasher this week
palkpal1: there gonna be soo fucked
palkpal1: anyway
palkpal1: like my scheduels pretty funny
palkpal1: tues 5-11
palkpal1: thurs 5-11 30
palkpal1: fri 5-10
palkpal1: sat 3-1230
palkpal1: sun 5-11 30
palkpal1: like not going to any
MisterMartyRose: lol I should go in
MisterMartyRose: one day
MisterMartyRose: and say
MisterMartyRose: "are you guys looking for any dishwashers?"
palkpal1: like with the pay
palkpal1: noone wants to do it
palkpal1: we have 2 right now am pretty sure
MisterMartyRose: they would probably hire me on the spot
palkpal1: they would
palkpal1: like its a retarted job
palkpal1: its just dirty
palkpal1: and pays nothing
palkpal1: and is hard work
palkpal1: hours are terrible as well
MisterMartyRose: so what are you going to tell your dad
palkpal1: that am tired of working at a place i cant even leave when am done
MisterMartyRose: looooool
palkpal1: they lock the doors
palkpal1: u cant even leave
MisterMartyRose: hahaha
MisterMartyRose: that sucks so much
palkpal1: yeah like almost quit on the spot
palkpal1: ill just tt my dad
palkpal1: like such an unreal job
MisterMartyRose: yeah
palkpal1: like i made 12 dollars in the 1.5
hrspalkpal1: i shit on 12 dollars
MisterMartyRose: looooooool
palkpal1: i shit on my paycheck too
palkpal1: am just gonna tell my dad am running poker
palkpal1: if i fail ill get a normal job
MisterMartyRose: I think that's a great idea

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Another AC run.

So we get ready to go to Atlantic City. I call out of my high paying job with a bright future to go. I go to pick up Marty and apparently he needs to cut the grass. It takes awhile and then i pick up my mom's car. We end up going 10 miles before i realize i forgot my money. Marty says that Gerard can probably cover me. I just start laughing. We meet Gerard at the rest stop and hes in a purple shirt and suit since he came from an interview. He needs a spot since his checks haven't cleared yet. We get to AC and there is a wait for 2 5. I read a guys hand from just watching for a second and an old guy basically busted. Then assumed Gerard was God since he knew me. We get to 2 5 and Marty wins a few large pots at the start. Gerard just pays him off as if hes running the splits. He is only splitting with me though. I don't know how but the boards 10 9 3 2 with three clubs a guy stacks off with king 10(no club) Gerard has the flush and hes up to 900. I basically just throw away some chips threw out the day and end up 440 and Gerard is up 300 and Marty is up almost 1k.

Friday, May 11, 2007

AIM Account Hacks

Cuban313 (4:17:08 PM): palkpal1 (2:47:01 PM): why am i under the N word?
Cuban313 (4:17:51 PM): and then he changed my buddy group that was n words
Martyrose927 (4:17:52 PM): lol
Cuban313 (4:18:02 PM): and added i dont get it? to the end
Martyrose927 (4:18:08 PM): lol
Martyrose927 (4:18:15 PM): so you have a group of friends that's
Martyrose927 (4:18:18 PM): niggas
Martyrose927 (4:18:22 PM): ?
Cuban313 (4:18:24 PM): yeah
Martyrose927 (4:18:32 PM): that's pretty awesome
Martyrose927 (4:18:46 PM): am I a "nigga?"
Cuban313 (4:18:58 PM): yeah its basically just you and tj that are ever online in it
Martyrose927 (4:19:14 PM): real talk
Cuban313 (4:19:31 PM): i put all the other mtg and hs people in a group on the bottom since i never im them anymore
Cuban313 (4:19:44 PM): and then i have drexel in between
Martyrose927 (4:19:56 PM): solid
Martyrose927 (4:20:04 PM): my buddly list is fucked up
Cuban313 (4:20:09 PM): i didnt have anything to do one day so i reorganized it all
Martyrose927 (4:20:13 PM): ill probably fix it when i go to college
Martyrose927 (4:20:18 PM): yeah
Martyrose927 (4:20:24 PM): make space for college friends
Cuban313 (4:20:29 PM): yeah cause then its worth making a group for the college people
Martyrose927 (4:20:42 PM): right now I just have it homiez
Martyrose927 (4:20:50 PM): then all the gay subgroups AIM has
Cuban313 (4:21:01 PM): yeah i just deleted those
Cuban313 (4:21:07 PM): tj has the best group tho
Martyrose927 (4:21:17 PM): what's that
Cuban313 (4:21:22 PM): mistermartyrose
Martyrose927 (4:21:30 PM): LOLOL

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bueety and the Geek

GFabs5 (5:43:01 PM): i go on bueety and the geek sunday
GFabs5 (5:43:05 PM): open casting call
GFabs5 (5:43:18 PM): i say i am geek who play magic
GFabs5 (5:43:25 PM): think i get on?

Matt Rubin82 (5:47:54 PM): u spell too bad to be a geek

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Glasses Moments

keeptalking27: yo

palkpal1: what up

keeptalking27: O

keeptalking27: M

keeptalking27: G

keeptalking27: so like i went 2 the late night cafe 2 get something 2 eat

keeptalking27: i get there

keeptalking27: these 2 girls are making out

keeptalking27: then

keeptalking27: im walking back 2 my dorm

keeptalking27: and like ahead of me are this guy and girl fightinh

keeptalking27: and so

keeptalking27: appently the girl is dumping the guy

keeptalking27: and so

keeptalking27: the guy is like bitch go fuck yourself

keeptalking27: and

keeptalking27: the girl goes


keeptalking27: and then she goes

keeptalking27: and buy the way

keeptalking27: learn to wipe your fucking ass you smell like shit

palkpal1: whats he say?

keeptalking27: nothing

keeptalking27: i started luaghing

keeptalking27: and like

keeptalking27: it was awk

keeptalking27: b/c they heard me laughing

keeptalking27: so i ran the pretned i was readin txt msg on cell phone

keeptalking27: then she just like walked away from him

palkpal1: you prob could of gotten some break up sex

keeptalking27: i doubt it

palkpal1: u shoulda walked over and been like am bigger then 3 baby

keeptalking27: i havent shaved in 3 days, i smell bad b/c i was at the library studying anf it was 90 degrees in there

keeptalking27: u could run the im 2x as big

keeptalking27: and not be lyin

palkpal1: yea

palkpal1: like 3s pretty huge though

keeptalking27: i mean

keeptalking27: i wish i was that big

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


da7cardstud: so i showed my parents the ink
da7cardstud: they were like
da7cardstud: whatever
MisterMartyRose: lol

Monday, May 7, 2007

Fakehat's Brother Took This Guy For 15k...

pacifist ashman (10:32:50 AM): hi
skibberz17 (1:33:59 PM): hi
pacifist ashman (10:33:19 AM): are you on aim a lot cause you dont have friends
skibberz17 (1:34:30 PM): i dont have friends IRL or on the internet!
skibberz17 (1:36:56 PM): can i please have my money back
skibberz17 (1:37:18 PM): i beg u =(
skibberz17 (1:43:04 PM): enjoy my money...
pacifist ashman (10:42:22 AM): you couldn't hvae lost it to a nicer guy
pacifist ashman (10:42:28 AM): that is one consolation
skibberz17 (1:43:30 PM): if u were a nice guy u would give it baclk
skibberz17 (1:43:57 PM): treat others how u would like to be treated
skibberz17 (1:44:11 PM): unfortunately UB screwed me
skibberz17 (1:44:18 PM): on many many hands
pacifist ashman (10:43:59 AM): dont worry about it
pacifist ashman (10:44:01 AM): poker is a tough game
pacifist ashman (10:44:03 AM): you'll be back
skibberz17 (1:44:58 PM): well i am sick of life adn trying to make a living for myself
skibberz17 (1:44:59 PM): no
skibberz17 (1:45:06 PM): im just gonna go shoot myself like i said
skibberz17 (1:45:16 PM): no friends no family no money to survive
skibberz17 (1:45:48 PM): u wouldnt know what its like
pacifist ashman (10:44:56 AM): ur a nice guy though
skibberz17 (1:46:12 PM): so
skibberz17 (1:46:19 PM): that doesnt mean anything
pacifist ashman (10:46:18 AM): girls like nice dudes
skibberz17 (1:47:24 PM): no girl would want a loser like me
pacifist ashman (10:46:48 AM): have you had a girlfriend b4
skibberz17 (1:47:48 PM): yea
pacifist ashman (10:47:02 AM): maybe she can help you
skibberz17 (1:48:00 PM): no
pacifist ashman (10:47:13 AM): why not
skibberz17 (1:48:10 PM): id rather die
skibberz17 (1:49:30 PM): my dog died this morning
skibberz17 (1:49:33 PM): not even kidding
skibberz17 (1:49:38 PM): i think im supposed to up with him =)
pacifist ashman (10:49:06 AM): do you live in an apt
skibberz17 (1:50:25 PM): nope
pacifist ashman (10:49:38 AM): house?
skibberz17 (1:50:33 PM): yep
skibberz17 (1:50:38 PM): was gonna pay it off..
pacifist ashman (10:49:48 AM): hm you are renting a house out by yourself?
skibberz17 (1:50:42 PM): but i cant lol
pacifist ashman (10:49:52 AM): haha
skibberz17 (1:51:00 PM): u got my money
skibberz17 (1:51:48 PM): please friend.. give me a last hope
pacifist ashman (10:51:01 AM): why arent you better at poker
skibberz17 (1:52:06 PM): im so depressed and went on tilt so bad
skibberz17 (1:52:17 PM): didnt even stop
skibberz17 (1:52:21 PM): just watched it all go away
pacifist ashman (10:51:31 AM): why were you depressed
skibberz17 (1:52:29 PM): my DOG DIED
skibberz17 (1:52:46 PM): fucking got ran over
pacifist ashman (10:51:54 AM): sorry
pacifist ashman (10:52:03 AM): what game of poker do you nroamlly play, what stakes
skibberz17 (1:53:08 PM): 3-6 5-10 10-25
skibberz17 (1:53:30 PM): the more i win the higher i went
pacifist ashman (10:52:45 AM): except for today
skibberz17 (1:54:06 PM): yep
pacifist ashman (10:54:03 AM): where did you work before poker
skibberz17 (1:55:31 PM): odd jobs
skibberz17 (1:55:38 PM): no steady work
skibberz17 (1:56:51 PM): can you please send my money back sir? i promise i will leave you alone
pacifist ashman (10:56:02 AM): i have to go but i'll talk to you later, don't worry it is just 1 day you will get better
skibberz17 (1:57:08 PM): please...
skibberz17 (1:57:22 PM): i cant afford to live without it
skibberz17 (1:57:58 PM): i tell you what once i'm off tilt i will earn more and pay you back
skibberz17 (1:58:07 PM): you seen me before how good i was
pacifist ashman (10:57:21 AM): never
pacifist ashman (10:57:23 AM): ttyl
skibberz17 (1:58:21 PM): ...
skibberz17 went idle at 1:28:27 PM.
skibberz17 went idle at 2:20:48 PM.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Your Holy Dark: so did you snort coke?
da7cardstud: ya
Your Holy Dark: off of a mirror? With a roll of 100 dollar bills?
da7cardstud: unfortunately not
da7cardstud: off a textbook with a 5$ bill
da7cardstud: i am not a movie star
Your Holy Dark: lmao
Your Holy Dark: what booK?
da7cardstud: i think European history
Your Holy Dark: hahahaha
da7cardstud: im not sure

Saturday, May 5, 2007


So me and Marty decide to run ac again this weekend. We see the Lucky You movie first which was good. Then we get to AC around 9. There is a pretty long wait for 2 5 so i sit down in 1 2. I end up getting dealt AK with a lot of limps raise to 15. A guy who limped raises to 55 i just think for a sec and was like wish this lady got my water before i felt. I decide to push for 250 what a play. He auto calls and the aces hold. We get to 2 5 and i end up winning one huge flop were i flop a pair and flush draw and get there on the river for a 1k pot. I play pretty solid and am able to grind out a +500 day. Marty played one hand where he wins a pot with top pair jack kicker for almost 1k. The table was pretty good with the characters. Wanted to stay longer for the times but exams and Marty working caused for a end of session around 1am.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Spiderman 3

I went to the spiderman 3 premier last night and I just want to say it was so horrendous. The only reason I had fun was because we were just really obnoxious and boohing/making fun of the movie loudly/screaming kill him or that dirty skank. This is the first movie I've been to that people actually boohed/walked out of visible disgusted.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

ActionJeff Gets No Action

jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: im not sure if im a fan of just flaunting the money
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: one of my friends did that in ireland
Martyrose927 [4:22 PM]: what happened?
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: when we were trying to pick up a couple girls we actually had in the hotel lobby
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: he ended up looking like an idiot
Martyrose927 [4:22 PM]: how
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: and ruining it for both of us
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: well, it was going well
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and it seemed like we could pull them pretty easy
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: but he juist started getting drunk and being like
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: YEAH, I TRAVEL THE WORLD
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: he started a sentence
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: THIS IS A BRAG BUT
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and then he pulled out his novelty check from a tourney he won the day before
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: for 125k euros
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and showed it off
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: for like the 5th time
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: so the girls were like, giving him looks like IS THIS GUY FOR REAL
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: and i was so in that i almost had them anyway, one girl said she was gonna take work off tommorow 100% and kept giving me indicators of interest
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: but the other girl was so disgusted by this idiot
Martyrose927 [4:24 PM]: I guess all girls aren't golddiggers
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: that she kept saying she wanted to go home
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: and we'd meet up another night
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: and they ended up leaving after 10 mins of indecision
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: after i had them there for HOURS
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: bad beat
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: i was gonna bring the one girl, Rachel, up to my room
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: to "teach her poker"
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: very bad beat
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: looool
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: i was super pissed at my friend
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: fucking idiot
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: cock blocked soooooo bad

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Gerard Fabiano (Seton Hall) wroteat 1:48pm on April 24th, 2007

used jon sonne's rash cream medicine as tooth paste

Matt Rubin82: yeah he did

Matt Rubin82: and jon applies

Matt Rubin82: the cream

Matt Rubin82: directly

Matt Rubin82: on the scab

Matt Rubin82: ...

MisterMartyRose: loooool

