Thursday, May 17, 2007

HU with TJ

So we are at Osyp's watching the Suns/Spurs game and just shooting the shit. We decide to play in a 5 man $20 sit and go which I split in the finals with Marty. TJ is pretty mad as I busted his KT hh with AK, since he clearly thought he should win. He challenges me to a $20 headsup freezeout to recoup his loss from the sit and go. We are pretty much even throughout, even though he got it in at one point with top pair vs my tens and runners the straight on board for a chop. Another hand arises where we both check the flop. The turn I pick up an open ended straight draw and bet, he air calls me with KT hi. River is the K and he obviously calls my bet at the end. He claimed he woulda called the river w/ KT hi, which actually would not have surprised me that much given how well he was playing. Nice air call. This hand then comes up. TJ is the small blind on the button. He limps. I pick up A7 and raise 8 on top to 10 total (1-2 blinds). He calls. Flop comes out 446 rainbow. I continuation bet 10, which TJ instantly calls. Turn is a Q, I bet 15 again to make it seem like a value bet, and I am pretty sure TJ just air called the flop. TJ almost beats me into the pot once again with the call, and again I am fairly sure he has again air called me. River is a 2. I check. TJ immediately shoves. I tank for a min and decide he def has nothing and call. He shows the A5 and i scoop the pot. TJ is pretty mad and it was fairly funny.

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