Saturday, May 12, 2007

Another AC run.

So we get ready to go to Atlantic City. I call out of my high paying job with a bright future to go. I go to pick up Marty and apparently he needs to cut the grass. It takes awhile and then i pick up my mom's car. We end up going 10 miles before i realize i forgot my money. Marty says that Gerard can probably cover me. I just start laughing. We meet Gerard at the rest stop and hes in a purple shirt and suit since he came from an interview. He needs a spot since his checks haven't cleared yet. We get to AC and there is a wait for 2 5. I read a guys hand from just watching for a second and an old guy basically busted. Then assumed Gerard was God since he knew me. We get to 2 5 and Marty wins a few large pots at the start. Gerard just pays him off as if hes running the splits. He is only splitting with me though. I don't know how but the boards 10 9 3 2 with three clubs a guy stacks off with king 10(no club) Gerard has the flush and hes up to 900. I basically just throw away some chips threw out the day and end up 440 and Gerard is up 300 and Marty is up almost 1k.

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