Monday, May 7, 2007

Fakehat's Brother Took This Guy For 15k...

pacifist ashman (10:32:50 AM): hi
skibberz17 (1:33:59 PM): hi
pacifist ashman (10:33:19 AM): are you on aim a lot cause you dont have friends
skibberz17 (1:34:30 PM): i dont have friends IRL or on the internet!
skibberz17 (1:36:56 PM): can i please have my money back
skibberz17 (1:37:18 PM): i beg u =(
skibberz17 (1:43:04 PM): enjoy my money...
pacifist ashman (10:42:22 AM): you couldn't hvae lost it to a nicer guy
pacifist ashman (10:42:28 AM): that is one consolation
skibberz17 (1:43:30 PM): if u were a nice guy u would give it baclk
skibberz17 (1:43:57 PM): treat others how u would like to be treated
skibberz17 (1:44:11 PM): unfortunately UB screwed me
skibberz17 (1:44:18 PM): on many many hands
pacifist ashman (10:43:59 AM): dont worry about it
pacifist ashman (10:44:01 AM): poker is a tough game
pacifist ashman (10:44:03 AM): you'll be back
skibberz17 (1:44:58 PM): well i am sick of life adn trying to make a living for myself
skibberz17 (1:44:59 PM): no
skibberz17 (1:45:06 PM): im just gonna go shoot myself like i said
skibberz17 (1:45:16 PM): no friends no family no money to survive
skibberz17 (1:45:48 PM): u wouldnt know what its like
pacifist ashman (10:44:56 AM): ur a nice guy though
skibberz17 (1:46:12 PM): so
skibberz17 (1:46:19 PM): that doesnt mean anything
pacifist ashman (10:46:18 AM): girls like nice dudes
skibberz17 (1:47:24 PM): no girl would want a loser like me
pacifist ashman (10:46:48 AM): have you had a girlfriend b4
skibberz17 (1:47:48 PM): yea
pacifist ashman (10:47:02 AM): maybe she can help you
skibberz17 (1:48:00 PM): no
pacifist ashman (10:47:13 AM): why not
skibberz17 (1:48:10 PM): id rather die
skibberz17 (1:49:30 PM): my dog died this morning
skibberz17 (1:49:33 PM): not even kidding
skibberz17 (1:49:38 PM): i think im supposed to up with him =)
pacifist ashman (10:49:06 AM): do you live in an apt
skibberz17 (1:50:25 PM): nope
pacifist ashman (10:49:38 AM): house?
skibberz17 (1:50:33 PM): yep
skibberz17 (1:50:38 PM): was gonna pay it off..
pacifist ashman (10:49:48 AM): hm you are renting a house out by yourself?
skibberz17 (1:50:42 PM): but i cant lol
pacifist ashman (10:49:52 AM): haha
skibberz17 (1:51:00 PM): u got my money
skibberz17 (1:51:48 PM): please friend.. give me a last hope
pacifist ashman (10:51:01 AM): why arent you better at poker
skibberz17 (1:52:06 PM): im so depressed and went on tilt so bad
skibberz17 (1:52:17 PM): didnt even stop
skibberz17 (1:52:21 PM): just watched it all go away
pacifist ashman (10:51:31 AM): why were you depressed
skibberz17 (1:52:29 PM): my DOG DIED
skibberz17 (1:52:46 PM): fucking got ran over
pacifist ashman (10:51:54 AM): sorry
pacifist ashman (10:52:03 AM): what game of poker do you nroamlly play, what stakes
skibberz17 (1:53:08 PM): 3-6 5-10 10-25
skibberz17 (1:53:30 PM): the more i win the higher i went
pacifist ashman (10:52:45 AM): except for today
skibberz17 (1:54:06 PM): yep
pacifist ashman (10:54:03 AM): where did you work before poker
skibberz17 (1:55:31 PM): odd jobs
skibberz17 (1:55:38 PM): no steady work
skibberz17 (1:56:51 PM): can you please send my money back sir? i promise i will leave you alone
pacifist ashman (10:56:02 AM): i have to go but i'll talk to you later, don't worry it is just 1 day you will get better
skibberz17 (1:57:08 PM): please...
skibberz17 (1:57:22 PM): i cant afford to live without it
skibberz17 (1:57:58 PM): i tell you what once i'm off tilt i will earn more and pay you back
skibberz17 (1:58:07 PM): you seen me before how good i was
pacifist ashman (10:57:21 AM): never
pacifist ashman (10:57:23 AM): ttyl
skibberz17 (1:58:21 PM): ...
skibberz17 went idle at 1:28:27 PM.
skibberz17 went idle at 2:20:48 PM.

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