Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Car Trouble

GFabs5: 2nd year of college i am in parking lot and some wacko girl hits me
GFabs5: with her car as i am pulling out
GFabs5: so i get out and there is like a dent, but it was already there and a new scracth
MisterMartyRose: okay
GFabs5: so im like what are you doing now i have to call the cops
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: she is like pls no i have no insurance im like well
GFabs5: she says ill ship u cash
GFabs5: im like how much she says 100 so im just about to take it
GFabs5: as her "friend" shows up who is some hee haw who cliams to be an expert on cars
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: and says its 300$ worth of damages
GFabs5: im like mise , so im like ship
GFabs5: she says follow me to atm
MisterMartyRose: yeah
GFabs5: so i follow her and she gets out and gets the money as she is getting the money she gets a parking ticket for being double parked
GFabs5: so she gives me the money and i take off
MisterMartyRose: lolol
GFabs5: get home and my dad sprays my car with windex and fixes it, i then proceed to drive down to atlantic city and play some 5 10 with the girls 300$
GFabs5: :-)
MisterMartyRose: must be nice
GFabs5: ya is
GFabs5: then i see her like a week later
MisterMartyRose: what'd she say?
GFabs5: and she is like do you have a recipt for getting your car fixed
GFabs5: im just like yea ill get that to you
MisterMartyRose: lol
MisterMartyRose: and she said "okay"?
GFabs5: yea then i just ran out of the pizza place before she realized
GFabs5: it was a pretty nice mise
MisterMartyRose: lol
GFabs5: like her hee haw friend cost her 200$
GFabs5: he had to have shown up at that perfect time too
MisterMartyRose: yeah nice "car expert"
MisterMartyRose: pretty bad beat for her
GFabs5: yea

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