Friday, May 11, 2007

AIM Account Hacks

Cuban313 (4:17:08 PM): palkpal1 (2:47:01 PM): why am i under the N word?
Cuban313 (4:17:51 PM): and then he changed my buddy group that was n words
Martyrose927 (4:17:52 PM): lol
Cuban313 (4:18:02 PM): and added i dont get it? to the end
Martyrose927 (4:18:08 PM): lol
Martyrose927 (4:18:15 PM): so you have a group of friends that's
Martyrose927 (4:18:18 PM): niggas
Martyrose927 (4:18:22 PM): ?
Cuban313 (4:18:24 PM): yeah
Martyrose927 (4:18:32 PM): that's pretty awesome
Martyrose927 (4:18:46 PM): am I a "nigga?"
Cuban313 (4:18:58 PM): yeah its basically just you and tj that are ever online in it
Martyrose927 (4:19:14 PM): real talk
Cuban313 (4:19:31 PM): i put all the other mtg and hs people in a group on the bottom since i never im them anymore
Cuban313 (4:19:44 PM): and then i have drexel in between
Martyrose927 (4:19:56 PM): solid
Martyrose927 (4:20:04 PM): my buddly list is fucked up
Cuban313 (4:20:09 PM): i didnt have anything to do one day so i reorganized it all
Martyrose927 (4:20:13 PM): ill probably fix it when i go to college
Martyrose927 (4:20:18 PM): yeah
Martyrose927 (4:20:24 PM): make space for college friends
Cuban313 (4:20:29 PM): yeah cause then its worth making a group for the college people
Martyrose927 (4:20:42 PM): right now I just have it homiez
Martyrose927 (4:20:50 PM): then all the gay subgroups AIM has
Cuban313 (4:21:01 PM): yeah i just deleted those
Cuban313 (4:21:07 PM): tj has the best group tho
Martyrose927 (4:21:17 PM): what's that
Cuban313 (4:21:22 PM): mistermartyrose
Martyrose927 (4:21:30 PM): LOLOL

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