Thursday, May 3, 2007

ActionJeff Gets No Action

jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: im not sure if im a fan of just flaunting the money
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: one of my friends did that in ireland
Martyrose927 [4:22 PM]: what happened?
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: when we were trying to pick up a couple girls we actually had in the hotel lobby
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: he ended up looking like an idiot
Martyrose927 [4:22 PM]: how
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: and ruining it for both of us
jgarzoid [4:22 PM]: well, it was going well
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and it seemed like we could pull them pretty easy
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: but he juist started getting drunk and being like
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: YEAH, I TRAVEL THE WORLD
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: he started a sentence
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: THIS IS A BRAG BUT
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and then he pulled out his novelty check from a tourney he won the day before
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: for 125k euros
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: and showed it off
jgarzoid [4:23 PM]: for like the 5th time
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: so the girls were like, giving him looks like IS THIS GUY FOR REAL
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: and i was so in that i almost had them anyway, one girl said she was gonna take work off tommorow 100% and kept giving me indicators of interest
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: but the other girl was so disgusted by this idiot
Martyrose927 [4:24 PM]: I guess all girls aren't golddiggers
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: that she kept saying she wanted to go home
jgarzoid [4:24 PM]: and we'd meet up another night
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: and they ended up leaving after 10 mins of indecision
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: after i had them there for HOURS
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: bad beat
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: i was gonna bring the one girl, Rachel, up to my room
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: to "teach her poker"
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: very bad beat
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: looool
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: i was super pissed at my friend
jgarzoid [4:25 PM]: fucking idiot
Martyrose927 [4:25 PM]: cock blocked soooooo bad

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