Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Day In The Life Of A Dishwasher At Friendlys

palkpal1: yo
MisterMartyRose: how was work
palkpal1: quitting tom
palkpal1: like kept me till 1 am
palkpal1: i try to sneak out
palkpal1: then there like theodore
palkpal1: she calls the manager
palkpal1: am like am only on till 11 3o
palkpal1: its 11 30
MisterMartyRose: lol
palkpal1: why cant i leave
MisterMartyRose: what'd they say?
palkpal1: cant leave tills all done
palkpal1: i just do it knowing am not comming back
MisterMartyRose: wow
palkpal1: with no dishwasher this week
palkpal1: there gonna be soo fucked
palkpal1: anyway
palkpal1: like my scheduels pretty funny
palkpal1: tues 5-11
palkpal1: thurs 5-11 30
palkpal1: fri 5-10
palkpal1: sat 3-1230
palkpal1: sun 5-11 30
palkpal1: like not going to any
MisterMartyRose: lol I should go in
MisterMartyRose: one day
MisterMartyRose: and say
MisterMartyRose: "are you guys looking for any dishwashers?"
palkpal1: like with the pay
palkpal1: noone wants to do it
palkpal1: we have 2 right now am pretty sure
MisterMartyRose: they would probably hire me on the spot
palkpal1: they would
palkpal1: like its a retarted job
palkpal1: its just dirty
palkpal1: and pays nothing
palkpal1: and is hard work
palkpal1: hours are terrible as well
MisterMartyRose: so what are you going to tell your dad
palkpal1: that am tired of working at a place i cant even leave when am done
MisterMartyRose: looooool
palkpal1: they lock the doors
palkpal1: u cant even leave
MisterMartyRose: hahaha
MisterMartyRose: that sucks so much
palkpal1: yeah like almost quit on the spot
palkpal1: ill just tt my dad
palkpal1: like such an unreal job
MisterMartyRose: yeah
palkpal1: like i made 12 dollars in the 1.5
hrspalkpal1: i shit on 12 dollars
MisterMartyRose: looooooool
palkpal1: i shit on my paycheck too
palkpal1: am just gonna tell my dad am running poker
palkpal1: if i fail ill get a normal job
MisterMartyRose: I think that's a great idea

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