Saturday, May 5, 2007


So me and Marty decide to run ac again this weekend. We see the Lucky You movie first which was good. Then we get to AC around 9. There is a pretty long wait for 2 5 so i sit down in 1 2. I end up getting dealt AK with a lot of limps raise to 15. A guy who limped raises to 55 i just think for a sec and was like wish this lady got my water before i felt. I decide to push for 250 what a play. He auto calls and the aces hold. We get to 2 5 and i end up winning one huge flop were i flop a pair and flush draw and get there on the river for a 1k pot. I play pretty solid and am able to grind out a +500 day. Marty played one hand where he wins a pot with top pair jack kicker for almost 1k. The table was pretty good with the characters. Wanted to stay longer for the times but exams and Marty working caused for a end of session around 1am.

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