Sunday, April 29, 2007


So i stay over Marty's house and we see hot fuzz. A random girl was waiting outisde in the cold with no ride we obv ran the walk bye without saying hi. So the next day we wake up and i pick up the tropicana player card from Nathan. We go out to a dinner were i get the penne alfredo...what a blow out. So we end the dinner then get to the trop around 7. I buy in for the max at 2/5 and am on my way. Have a pretty boring session where there are no charachters and decide to leave after am up a little over 6. Marty ends up being stuck 3 but were just gonna drive back to AC tommorrow with Gerard. We meet Gerard at the rest stop and were on our way. Apparently Burger King created a pretty unreal burger that involves 4 patties with 3 pieces of chees and bacon on top. If anyone can eat this monster in front of me ill pay for it. So we get to the trop and i end up spoting the team. Me and Gerard decide to run the splits at 2/5. Anyway i somehow put in my stack with a flop of 7 9 5. I have ace 7 which is somehow good. So I bleed for a few hrs and Gerard randomly goes all in a few times. Gerard bluffs a fish off top pair when the board was king 2 3. The guy says hes got Gerard now but Gerard says i got the chips buddy. He keeps trashtalking about how insane he is even though hes losing every pot. We get hungry and run some Goodfellas resturant that was totally empty. Gerard tells some unreal story about how he runs away from a girl when she asks to do jello shots. Like jello shots are apparently the thing to do these days just ask Justin. So we end the session with Marty up i think 640 on the day with me and Gerard up 150. Pretty good weekend gonna take a little break from AC so i can attempt to do good on my finals. Am gonna be running a turning stone trip during the summer so if anyones interested just hit me up on aim.
(spelling edited by Marty)

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