Sunday, April 8, 2007

Captain Morgan

Once again we are at the pink game at the trop and I'm in early position and look down at kings. I raise and 2 seats away from me TJ 3 bets me. It folds around to the big blind who happened to be this guy we dubbed "the Captain" (because of his Captain Morgan hat) so obviously calls too. I cap it with the kings and tj and the captain both call. The flop comes 7Q7 with two spades and the Captain leads out, I raise him, and TJ raises me. The captain calls allin and the turn completes the flush draw so I check. TJ also checks and the river is an offsuit 5 and I check again. Before TJ can check the captain shows one of the cards in his hand and TJ's eyes get really big and I look over to the captain and he's showing a seven of hearts. TJ then checks and I show TJ my kings and oddly enough TJ has kings as well so we both flip em up. The only hand I can put the captain on here is A7 or 77 but he sheepishly flips over his other card which happens to be a 3 of hearts. 7 3 sooooooted, nice play captain.

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