Monday, April 30, 2007

Some idiots worst poker moment

Re(1): What has been your worst poker moment? by MilkyPirate on 4/30/2007 18:52

Last year when I had a 400$ BR on PS I was goofing around with a friend in the tourney lobby of WCOOP Event #1 (which was 200+15 Razz). I reg'd for the tourney as a joke to show him "hey look who is in this tourney!" and then I was gonna unreg...unfortunately I forgot that you cannot unregister from a tournament with less than 10 minutes until it starts. I had never played Razz before. I busted so badly and I have not played Razz since.Needless to say blowing half my BR on a "joke" was one of the worst poker experiences I had...but I'm over it (though my friends and I still joke about at our home games we say "hey lets do 200+15 Razz tourney" which is jokes).

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