Sunday, April 8, 2007


So its me, Marty, and Matt playing the pink game at the tropicana. Marty raises from early under the gun with 6 7 clubs and Matt raises with queens i cap with the rockets. We get called 4 bets cold by an Asian girl with kq diamonds and 3 bets by Asian girl with 6 9 diamonds. On flop we cap it again which was 6 10 4 with two diamonds. On the turn threes a king and Matt raises i re raise and everyone calls. Rivers a 6 and Marty comes out raising I get pretty excited because it means he has a 6 we all call. The girl with 6 9 scoops the pot are hearts sink. The two Asian girls high five each other and say yea girl. The the one calls us out on collaborating and cheating. Was pretty unreal.

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