Thursday, April 19, 2007

MattR goes shopping

Matt Rubin82 (4:32:11 PM): woman freaked out today
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:16 PM): at the supermarket
palkpal1 (4:33:34 PM): why
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:24 PM): i was ordering some cold cuts
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:27 PM): lady before me goes
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:28 PM): im next
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:30 PM): lady goes
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:35 PM): NO UR NOT I WAS HERE FIRST
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:35 PM): NO UR NOT I WAS HERE FIRST
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:41 PM): then takes her cart
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:50 PM): and bashes it into the refrigerated cheese section
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:54 PM): and starts screaming
Matt Rubin82 (4:32:56 PM): I WAS NEXT
Matt Rubin82 (4:33:04 PM): then she hits the salad bar w/ her cart
palkpal1 (4:34:18 PM): no way
Matt Rubin82 (4:33:06 PM): then leaves
Matt Rubin82 (4:33:07 PM): yep

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