Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Day In The Life Of ActionJeff

jgarzoid: so
jgarzoid: im at the bank depositing some euros
jgarzoid: and my checking account is pretty juicy because I just had a UB wire go through, and I need the write the IRS a big check (over $100k for the sake of this story)
jgarzoid: the woman at the desk goes and asks
jgarzoid: why do you have so much money in your checking account?
jgarzoid: "I have to pay taxes"
jgarzoid: "yeah, but THAT much?"
jgarzoid: "yes."
jgarzoid: "WOW. Do you own a business or something?"
jgarzoid: "yeah, sort of"
jgarzoid: she looks at me skeptically, kind of impressed
jgarzoid: "omg, you really should pay quarterly"
jgarzoid: I eye her and nonchalantly reply
jgarzoid: "That is my quarterly payment."

MisterMartyRose: check the blog
palkpal1: pretty unreal
palkpal1: like i owed $100
palkpal1: guess he owed a tad bit more
MisterMartyRose: yeah maybe

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