Thursday, April 26, 2007

Justin gets angry again!

palkpal1: so u get the groceries?

Cuban313: i got someone else to

palkpal1: sure....

Cuban313: nice reply

Cuban313: i told this kid i wasnt gonna make the jello shots til tomorrow

Cuban313: but he said he wanted them done tonight

Cuban313: so i told him to do it himself

palkpal1: ooh

palkpal1: howd he take it

Cuban313: he said ok

Cuban313: like what do you want

palkpal1: just striking up a convo

palkpal1: before torney starts

Cuban313: im still doing work

palkpal1: jello shots?

Cuban313: are you retarded

Cuban313: i didnt make them myself because i had to much to do

Cuban313: i have a midterm tomorrow that i havent started studying for because i havent done my hw yet

palkpal1: i seepalkpal1: too many jello shots?

Cuban313: your a fuckin idiot

palkpal1: like i dident force u to do the jello shots

Cuban313: theyre prob still not done

palkpal1: man u need to do hw study exam and jellow shots

palkpal1: gl

Cuban313: ok peace

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