Sunday, April 22, 2007

Good Morning

keeptalking27 (1:42:48 PM): uh
keeptalking27 (1:43:02 PM): i slept on a floor last night after my roomate physically removed me from my dorm room
palkpal1 (1:43:54 PM): what happened
palkpal1 (1:43:57 PM): he got some play
keeptalking27 (1:44:14 PM): he comes back at 3 am
keeptalking27 (1:44:15 PM): totaly drunk
keeptalking27 (1:44:17 PM): passes out
keeptalking27 (1:44:22 PM): 10 min late some girl comes in
keeptalking27 (1:44:25 PM): and they start making out
keeptalking27 (1:44:29 PM): and im sleepin
keeptalking27 (1:44:34 PM): he wakes me up and hes like leave
palkpal1 (1:44:37 PM): rofl
palkpal1 (1:44:41 PM): u shoulda said n
keeptalking27 (1:44:47 PM): so i try 2 be nice
keeptalking27 (1:44:58 PM): im like ok i dont mind but im rly tired and im not sleeping ne place but my bed
keeptalking27 (1:45:02 PM): he goes come back in 15 min
keeptalking27 (1:45:06 PM): i go back 45 min later
keeptalking27 (1:45:07 PM): hes like
keeptalking27 (1:45:09 PM): come back in 10
palkpal1 (1:45:11 PM): lol
keeptalking27 (1:45:13 PM): i come back in 15
keeptalking27 (1:45:27 PM): at which point he begins to physically and verbally harass me
keeptalking27 (1:45:33 PM): then he pushes me out of the room
keeptalking27 (1:45:37 PM): so i had my key this time
keeptalking27 (1:45:39 PM): opne the door
keeptalking27 (1:45:50 PM): and im like ok illl leave but im takin shit w/ me
keeptalking27 (1:45:52 PM): so i leave
keeptalking27 (1:45:55 PM): like
keeptalking27 (1:45:58 PM): wtf was is upposed 2 do
keeptalking27 (1:46:01 PM): the kid is huge
keeptalking27 (1:46:11 PM): he takes all kinds of protein and shit and works out 3 hrs a day
palkpal1 (1:46:26 PM): u obv need to make a stand
keeptalking27 (1:46:31 PM): like
palkpal1 (1:46:31 PM): hes not gonna beat u up
keeptalking27 (1:46:35 PM): am i supposed 2 go 2 the ra
keeptalking27 (1:46:41 PM): or is that a gay thing 2 do
palkpal1 (1:46:48 PM): u cant go to the ra
palkpal1 (1:46:53 PM): thats really gay
keeptalking27 (1:46:58 PM): he was like u r such a fag all u do is play poker u never socalize u should have some firends floot 2 crahs on
palkpal1 (1:46:59 PM): like u need to handle it between the two
keeptalking27 (1:47:03 PM): yeah i figured i cant go 2 the ra
palkpal1 (1:47:05 PM): like if u dont like the roomate ask for a change
keeptalking27 (1:47:07 PM): the ra does live right next 2 me
keeptalking27 (1:47:15 PM): so when i went into my room at 11 am
keeptalking27 (1:47:17 PM): he was like
keeptalking27 (1:47:20 PM): wut happend last night
keeptalking27 (1:47:22 PM): so i played it cool
keeptalking27 (1:47:25 PM): i was like nothin
keeptalking27 (1:47:28 PM): he was kinda drunk
keeptalking27 (1:47:35 PM): and i must have said something 2 offend him
keeptalking27 (1:47:36 PM): its cool
keeptalking27 (1:47:40 PM): like he was passe dout
keeptalking27 (1:47:47 PM): so idk wut happens when i go back 2 the room
keeptalking27 (1:47:53 PM): im at the libary now
keeptalking27 (1:47:54 PM): doin work
palkpal1 (1:47:57 PM): oh
palkpal1 (1:48:03 PM): thought u and your roomate were tight
keeptalking27 (1:48:35 PM): like
keeptalking27 (1:48:39 PM): we never rly interact
keeptalking27 (1:48:46 PM): i always sleep poker or study
keeptalking27 (1:48:57 PM): he always goes 2 gym or chills w/ these fucking dumb potheads

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